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How to Look Up Mint Address and burn Address of Stablecoin USDT with Tokenview Block Explorer

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How to Look Up Mint Address and burn Address of Stablecoin USDT with Tokenview Block Explorer

What is Stablecoin USDT?

We call USDT a stable currency because of its low price volatility. USDT, a stable currency issued by Tether, is pegged to the US dollar USD. 1USDT is approximately equal to 1 US dollar. Tether stated that it will strictly abide by the 1:1 reserve guarantee. For every USD issued, its bank account will deposit 1 USD.

How to search Mint Address and burn Address of Stablecoin USDT

  • Open the Tokenview Block Exploreropen in new window, and click the navigation button 'Stablecoin' on the home page. Chose the Stablecoin USDT; tokenview block explorer to explore stsblecoin* Then you will see the Network of USDT; tokenview block explorer to explore stsblecoin* Also the Mint Address and Burn Address of USDT below. tokenview block explorer to explore stsblecoin
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