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Misconceptions about The Merge

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Misconceptions about The Merge

Misconception: 'Running a node requires staking 32 ETH.'

False. Anyone is free to sync their own self-verified copy of Ethereum (i.e. run a node). No ETH is required. Not before The Merge, not after The Merge, not ever.

Misconception: 'The Merge will reduce gas fees.'

False. The Merge is a change of consensus mechanism, not an expansion of network capacity, and will not result in lower gas fees.

Misconception: 'Transactions will be noticeably faster after The Merge.'

False. Though some slight changes exist, transaction speed will mostly remain the same on layer 1.

Misconception: 'You can withdraw staked ETH once The Merge occurs.'

False. Staking withdrawals are not yet enabled with The Merge. The following Shanghai upgrade will enable staking withdrawals.

Misconception: 'Validators will not receive any liquid ETH rewards til the Shanghai upgrade when withdrawals are enabled.'

False. Fee tips/MEV will be credited to a Mainnet account controlled by the validator, available immediately.

Misconception: 'When withdrawals are enabled, stakers will all exit at once.'

False. Validator exits are rate limited for security reasons.

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